Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In your opinion, What is the reason for such close relationship between Queen Elizabeth and Bess?



  1. It could be because she saw in Bess the normal woman that she will never be :C

  2. I think the same as Evelyn! "Elizabeth I" saw in Bess what she couldn't see in herself because she was a queen and she lived for England.

  3. I think so, too! maybe that`s the reason why Elizabeth was angry against Bess when she knew about Bess`s pregnancy. Possibly, Bess had everything that Elizabeth couldn´t have as a Queen. But I think she just dimensioned it when she at last views the relationship between Bess and Robert Dudley.

  4. I think the same like you, but another posibility coulb be.. because she want to be a friend or a person that help she I don't see in all the movie that Elizabeth had another person close to her, Bess was like his only friend and support.
